The Ethos and Work of the Asian Cat Association
The Asian Cat Association is a large proactive club supporting owners and breeders in caring for their cats and the long term future of this unique and amazing breed
Those searching for a truly special cat, a cat with extraordinary beauty and charm, need look no further than the Asian breed – an elegant but muscular cat with a sleek lustrous coat and hypnotic lambent eyes.
The ethos of the Asian Cat Association is to be a friendly and democratic forum for all those interested in the future of this delightful breed.
The work of the Asian Cat Association centres around promoting the breed, encouraging good breeding practices and standards, whilst fostering members who are owners and breeders in nurturing this lovely breed. The club’s affiliation to GCCF who support us in our work.
Many of our members have more than 40 years experience in cat breeding and are happy to share their knowledge and skills.
We are fortunate to have Joyce Dell as our President.
She bred the first Asian Grand Champion and UK Grand Champion, a silver Burmilla – UK Gr Ch Kupro Lilac Mayqueen.
The quality of the Asian breeding programme has led to resounding success for the breed on the show bench.
The work of the club is set out in the categories below
Benefits of being a member – find out more on our Membership page
Welfare and Rehoming
All about our Welfare and Rehoming programmes
How you can help
List of cats awaiting rehoming
GCCF Affiliation
The UK’s premier reistration body
Dedicated to cat health, welfare and responsible breeding