Rehoming and Welfare
The majority of our rehome cats will require a placement where they will be the only cat.
For more details please contact our rehome
co-ordinator Claire Lovell Tel: 01392 833341
For a copy of our rehome application form, please click here
For information on cats looking for new homes click here
Welfare – How you can help
With the increasing popularity of the Asian breed comes the added responsibility of their welfare.
We are extremely fortunate to have a very active re-homing service in place within the ACA. This incorporates not only the committee but a network of caring members.
We will always do our best to help in whatever capacity is required for each individual case.
There are many ways that you can support our work, from donating prizes for our Raffle and Tombola which we hold at our Annual Show, offering to help with transporting cats to their new homes, fundraising or remembering us in your Will.
The club is always extremely grateful to receive legacies as they help us to provide long-term support to cats, which are in need of re-homing and often require veterinary attention.
If you are considering including the Asian Cat Association in your Will and would like more information please contact our Chairman or Vice Chairman.
Thank you.